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huile sur toile 130x97 cm 2020 titre Moby dick.jpg




01 oils

Pierre Passani lives and works in the south of the Creuse, as well as in the Paris region. He graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris and then from the Institut National d'Expression, de Création, d'Art et Thérapie.

After being influenced in the 70's to 85's by American psychedelic painting, action painting, and lyrical abstraction, he returns to a more "classical" work and is particularly interested in European painting from the 17th to the 19th century. His work is sometimes inspired by great literary texts and mythology, of which he proposes a contemporary and very personal vision. The foundation of his work is improvisation as a state of adventure and a search for the "surprise of consciousness". It is in this state, in the strangeness of encounters, apparitions, forms, colorations, that things are built, that stories are told.

Carré Noir

02 carrés noirs

In parallel to his work of oil on canvas and paper, he has been working since 1991 on black as the absence of light to go towards the light. It is a series of squares of 13x13 cm very much in line with this sentence of Henri Michaux: "Black is my crystal ball, only from black I see life coming out".


03 inks

While maintaining this relationship with the color black, Pierre Passani works with Indian ink. He combines this powerful and secular material with others, perfectly contemporary, in a technique of reserves, and he uses industrial paper that is proof against manipulation and immersion. The work is fast, without repentance, quite the opposite of the rhythm of elaboration of oils or black squares. The gesture is king but not alone. It needs the infinite variety of densities and rhythms created by the combination of the thickness or dilution of the ink, the tempo of the body at that moment, the chance, the impulse, the desire.

Techniques Mixtes

04 mixed media

Sometimes, when painting is no longer "enough", he creates installations conceived as settings or places of memory.

This is website is not devoted to sales site but I can give you a price range from 90€ to 3000€. All works are framed except for prints and canvases. If you are interested please contact me

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